Acoustic Profiles of Speech Amplification Devices on Speech in Parkinson’s Disease

Self-Perceptions of Vocal Effort and Fatigue in Parkinson’s Disease: Exploring Communication Scenarios and Speech Tasks

Viability of Forced Alignment for Segmentation of Dysarthric Speech

Clinical insights into speech amplification device usage for Parkinson disease: A mixed-methods approach

Acoustic prominence in Parkinson’s disease

Impact of Face Masks on Speech Intelligibility in Parkinson’s Disease: Clear and Loud Speech Strategies

Speech Amplification Device Usage for Parkinson’s disease: A Survey of Speech-Language Pathologists

Controlled effects of face masks and shields on spectral acoustics, speech intelligibility, and listening effort

The Impact of Face Masks on Spectral Acoustics of Speech: Effect of Clear and Loud Speech Styles

Speech intelligibility in Parkinson’s disease as a function of speaking rate and speech task

Stop voicing contrasts in Parkinson’s: Effect of modified speaking rate in connected speech

VOT Voicing Contrast is Robust Along a Speech Rate Continuum in Dysarthria